'The importance of teaching Catechism

Dr. John Armstrong is a former pastor and church-planter, of more than twenty years, the author/editor of eleven books, and the author of hundreds of magazine, journal, and Web based articles. Besides this ministry of writing Dr. Armstrong serves as an adjunct professor of evangelism at Wheaton College Graduate School, teaches in various seminaries and colleges as a guest lecturer, and is a seminar and conference speaker in the United States and abroad. He is the founder and president of ACT 3, based in Carol Stream, Illinois.

Dr. Armstrong gave a special Friday lecture at the Chicago UBF center on topic of the Apostle's Creed. Among other things we emphasized teaching our children the sound doctrine.

His video presentation is at: UBF TV.

He shared his experiences of teaching his children catechism by C. H. Spurgeon. As we know catechism is
an elementary book containing a summary of the principles of the Christian religion, in the form of questions and answers.

Spurgeon was a gifted preacher.
Spurgeon trained his children and families of his congregation to know the sound doctrine of Jesus.

In his preface of the Catechism, Spurgeon writes:

I am persuaded that the use of a good Catechism in all our families will be a great safeguard against the increasing errors of the times, and therefore I have compiled this little manual from the Westminster Assembly's and Baptist Catechisms, for the use of my own church and congregation. Those who use it in their families or classes must labour to explain the sense; but the words should be carefully learned by heart, for they will be understood better as years pass.

    May the Lord bless my dear friends and their families evermore, is the prayer of their loving Pastor.

Here is the link to the Spurgeon's catechism.

My personal plan is to teach Spurgeon's catechism to my two sons this Summer. I will share my experiences coming Fall.

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