Church and Evangelism

Evangelism is not an option but must.
Create welcoming environment

KBC: Comeback Churches and 2 from Ed Stetzer on Vimeo.

Outreach principles
1.Love Christ
2. Live like Christ
3.Multiple approaches to bring people to Jesus
4.Take a whole church but it takes a leader to do so
5.Become a church of open arms
6.Creating an environment spontaneous and planned
7.Open the door

Everyone should pray for the lost
Everyone should be a bringer
Everyone should be a teller

Is everyone to do evangelism or a select few? The answer is everyone.

Start with intentional prayers
Pray for the boldness
Help to bring your friends
Invest time and energy to make friends to the lost people
Seeker comprehensive -welcomed and hear the gospel accessible and understand it
Create a welcome center
Follow up in 48 hours from the initial contact

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