Fellowship 101

Welcome back.

This semester we will do Fellowship 101 based on 1 John and Jeremiah meditation.

This week we are doing a primer based on Revelation 7.

It is our prayer that we can lay a Biblical framework on Fellowship and grow together where Jesus the Lamb is the center of our fellowship and we worship him only.

Here is the our first message of the semester.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good message to lay a Biblical framework for Revelation study. The word of God is powerful and active. It is like a drink that doesn't have side effects. This is not true of cola or coffee. But when we have the word of God, he makes our thirsty hearts quenched.

What is the joy of the Lord? Is it in our fellowship? I don't know. It's hard to say. Jesus had much rejection. He shed his tears for us. He cried, but not for himself. He wept for us.

---> Personally, I think 'Fellowship 101' is important, but I have no idea how to get two people who hate each other to get along. Well, it isn't easy when people are in need of sanctification. I guess we'll need to hear more about it.