Holicopter Parents

What can we do as parents?

Can we articulate the gospel when raising our children
? Can we trust God and his provision for our children? Can our work ultimately raise better kids or is this God's grace upon us? I am not advocating indifference but at certain point, we can only pray and ask God's help after all said and done. It is God who takes care of our kids. We simply depend on his mercy and grace and his power of his word. We humbly depend on Jesus' death and resurrection for our children.

From Time Magazine:

We can fuss and fret and shuttle and shelter, but in the end, what we do may not matter as much as we think. Freakonomics authors Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt analyzed a Department of Education study tracking the progress of kids through fifth grade and found that things like how much parents read to their kids, how much TV kids watch and whether Mom works make little difference. "Frequent museum visits would seem to be no more productive than trips to the grocery store," they argued in USA Today. "By the time most parents pick up a book on parenting technique, it's too late. Many of the things that matter most were decided long ago — what kind of education a parent got, what kind of spouse he wound up with and how long they waited to have children."

If you embrace this rather humbling reality, it will be easier to follow the advice D.H. Lawrence offered back in 1918: "How to begin to educate a child. First rule: leave him alone. Second rule: leave him alone. Third rule: leave him alone. That is the whole beginning."

Of course, that was easy for him to say. He had no kids.

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