Psalm 119 day 13

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Psalm 119:97-104

Oh, how I love your law!
I meditate on it all day long.

How can I love God's law?

I am a perpetual law breaker. No turn on red is my biggest challenge for me while I am driving. But what is the implication when I do not stop on red?

I could hit someone or someone can hit me.

If that is the case, when I do not obey God's law, I can damage myself and damage others. I can understand how God gave us the law.

How can I love God's law?

Love is more than tolerating. Love requires one's whole being. I love my wife with all my soul.

Why do I love my wife?
I do believe that it is not good for a man to be alone. My wife is God's loving graceful provision for me.

I love God's law because the law condemns me daily and points out that I am so far away from God and his law but through God's law, I can see how much God hates sin and how much he loves us.

God loves me and loves us by giving his law. His intention of giving the law is to make us and recreate us in his image.

Without looking at God's law, we can only be fooled by our emotions. I need something beyond me.

Help me to confess how sweet are your words to my mouth!

When I look at this section, my heart is moved and wish that I could sing like David Crowdter.

Help me to get understanding from your precepts. Help me to hate every wrong path and bring us back to you through your word.

Your law is clearly shown in my savior our LORD Jesus. He obeyed the law. But he died for us and rose from the dead.

In doing so he enabled us to obey you and taste the sweetness of your law. This is indeed God's grace for me.

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