Psalm 119 Day 16

Pe (119:129-136)

Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed.

Why do you cry?

I cry because I lost something valuable. I cry because I do something stupid.
But here David cried because God's law is not obeyed.

I do not remember ever crying for like this.

Why doe she cry?

He knows the implication of not obeying God's law. When we do not follow God's law, we are facing certain God's judgment. When we know this implication we can cry for those whom we love.

We cry out to God and ask God's mercy on them. Have mercy on me and on them so that we can obey you.

This is what Jesus did while he was on the earth (Heb 5). Who is crying out for you?

Dear Lord, I do not hear anyone crying out for me. Open my ears to hear your Son's cry for me. I know that you are crying out for me. I can put my trust in you because this son of your tears hear you and hear your cry out for me.

Thank you for your compassion and mercy for me. Not only you cried out for me and came to me and died on the cross for me.

This is indeed God's grace for me.

Lately my tears have been dried up and when I hear your crying out, my heart is moved to cry with you.

Open my ears to hear you crying daily for me and for your children and those who you want to invite to your kingdom.

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