Sharing the good news at U of I

Pray that we can share the good news of God with U of I students.

Already one on one Bible students are happening.

This evening several small groups are launching as well.

We have several groups.

  • John's group is BEST (Bible study, eating, sports and travel).
  • Isaiah's group is IRIS (International recovery of God's image in the students)
  • Sam's group is Get J (Grace empowered truth, Jesus)
  • Jerry's group is Quest (Questions regarding espitemilogy and social justice and various topics)
  • Mary's group has no name yet but she will give her group's name. In the meantime we call her group, PoP(Petition of Prayer)
  • Gideon's group has no name yet. Will let you know if he finds one. In the meantime, we call his group, SoC (Society of Christ like Jesuits)

We need God's mercy on what we do. Let us pray that our one on one Bible studies and small groups can be used by Jesus to bring the good news of God to U of I students and to the ends of the earth.

We want to do LESS so that Christ may do more among and thru us.
LESS stands for
  • Listen to the word of God
  • Empowered by the Spirit
  • Serve Christ and his people
  • Share the good news of God.
Happy Friday.

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