Easter 2011 Plan and requesting prayers

Date: Friday April 8 to Sunday April 10
Place : Chicago Center

We will do Easter based on Luke 24:44
This is what I told you while I was still with you; Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.
Jesus came to fulfill the Scriptures.

The Law, The Prophets and the Psalms point to Jesus' death and resurrection.
In essence, the Scriptures point to Jesus' death and resurrection.

Why are we having this conference?
We want to celebrate the most important event in the history.
We can also pray for our students meet Jesus personally and recover their image of God.

Tentative schedule.
(Not set on the stone. Feel free to give your feedback to our student leaders)

Friday evening
Drive up to Chicago.
Set up

Mike Rora, opening -Luke 24:44
Mike can give an orientation for the Easter conference.

The Law
Group study on The law - Ex 20
Followed by a message by SAL
Explain the purpose of the law.
The letter kills but the Spirit gives life (2 Cor 3:6)

Afternoon: Wedding-Samuel Choi

Group study on Psalm 22

The Psalm -Psalm 22 -Alex Foster
(This Psalm deals with Jesus death. Matt 27 quotes this Psalm in verses 46, 34, 43, 35 ).

(There is a wedding in Chicago so we might be sensitive to them)


The Prophet -Young Lee (Young Lee will let us know what passage he will cover.)
(We do it early so that we can finish before the Chicago Sunday worship service. Those who want to attend the Chicago worship can do so and then they can do Chicago tour).

Overall project manager: Joe Jung
(Joe needs much help. Pray for him to grow as a servant of God's word).

Small group leaders.

Start sharing in your group regarding the Easter conference.
Ask Joe if he needs any help and please donate your time, money and strength, heart to the work of God.

May God open our eyes to see Jesus in the Law, in the Prophets and in the Psalms.

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