The LORD is my shepherd

The LORD is my shepherd. (Psalm 23:1)

Dear lovers of God

I do not know how to thank you for your prayers, emails, sending food and visiting us.

As you know my wife Grace and my son Sammy were in a car accident last week. It was pretty bad but by God's grace they came out alive. Now they are resting and recovering.

Grace Sun said, "I am getting better each day."

Sammy, too, is recovering very well. His mind is sound.By God's grace, he is taking two Summer classes at Parkland as of yesterday.

This is the picture we took when Grace's brother visited us last Sunday. They look ok but the effect of the car accident will linger for a while. Do pray for them to recover well. We do pray based on Psalm 23. The LORD restores my soul.

We anticipated a very quiet summer but this summer brought so many excitements and unexpected work. For this we are very grateful.

In terms of ministry, we are doing 3 Rs this Summer.

1. Rest with Psalm meditation

REST stands for
Restored by the word.
Empowered by the Spirit
Serve Christ and his people at U of I
Thank God for his sufficient grace for us.

It is good to know that the LORD is my shepherd and in him we lack nothing.


Grace and several students are doing R&D this summer. This plan has been detoured a little due to the accident but we are staying on course. We want to start Biblical counseling center at U of I starting this Fall by God's grace. They are working on the counseling certification and we are looking for a place.

3. Ready for launching DrC 3.0.

As always we are readying for launching DrC(Deeper Roots in Christ) 3.0 this coming fall. For this we need your prayers and partnership in Jesus. I was surprised to find out that we have about 20 students who are staying with us and studying the Bible this Summer. Continue to pray for us to raise disciples and disciple makers who can share the good news of God.

DrC is a student group. Please do pray for our student leaders. They did a good job while I was away in Korea. Actually, they did a better job when I was with them. This gives me much joy. Perhaps God is readying me to go out and do another church planting nearby towns such as Lafayette, IN or Bloomington, IL.

Again, thank you for your emails and visits and showing love for us.

As David said, "my cup is overflowing."

We are very confident that the LORD has been with us and he will be with us and we will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

p.s. Missionary Mary Cowen's mother needs your prayer. She is in the ICU. Please pray for her recovery as well. Peter, Miriam and Mary are staying with the family in Korea.

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