Bible study tools

Web is like the world. Some are good and some are bad. But there are some good sites to study the Bible.

Here are some free tools.

Try to get a big picture Try the Bible mesh.

Not speaking the native language? No problem. If you want to do a word study, go to

1. In the search field type in the reference you are searching for. Try Isaiah 40:31. Click on the version you want to use.

2. Click on the letter “C” next to the verse.

3. Click on the Strong’s number for the word you want to study. Try the word “new.”

4. The site will take you to a page that will give lots of information about the word. If you scroll down, you will see other passages that have the same word in them.

5. Now go back to the main page and try a New Testament verse. Try Ephesians 2:7. Pick one of the words or phrases as you did above.

If you want to see a Bible map, go to
1. Choose any Bible reference. Try Acts 16.
2. Click on one of the locations in orange to see where it is and to get more information about it.

For commentaries and other information, go to

1. Type in the verse or chapter you want to see and choose the version. A study resource list will appear next to the verse. Click on any link to try them out.
2. Or, on the left of the page, you can click “commentaries.” Pick a commentary you want to use, such as Barnes. Click on the book and then the chapter to see the commentary.
3. Try the dictionary, encyclopedia, or other resources listed on the left side of the page.

You may also want to look at For other site recommendations

All said and done, reading the Bible is the key. Get a good Bible such as NIV or ESV then read it to grasp the chemistry of the Bible.

There are many plans but my favorite plan is:

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