Lent Bible meditation

We have about 10 days before Easter.
As time approaches we get more excited since this is the most important weekend in the history.

Deeper Roots in Christ is doing meditation at 9 am, 2 pm and 7 pm. Everyone is busy or at least busy minded. So several of us are meeting and opening the word and pray so that God can open our eyes to see his Son.

When time permits students are coming and reading LK 15 devotion at our cubical. So far several students are coming here by God's grace.

John 14:21 says, "Those who love me will be loved by my Father."

HN writes:
If we try to announce God into the world, the world may misunderstand, laugh, say we are silly, and marginalize us. Some people feel threatened by the pure words of God. That's why sent Jesus on the road tot the cross, and that's why disciples finally were martyrs. That's why all the great saints suffered... But when we become women and men of love and peace, we also witness healing, hope, new life, and even joy, so that this tyupe of suffering is an easy burden to carry.
What makes us joyful looking at our Savior's suffering and death is our identity of knowing our Father's heart.

Jesus became our brother so that we can see everyone as our brothers and sisters in Jesus. As we prepare the Easter retreat at Chicago, we pray that we can love Father by loving his Son and his brothers and sisters in Jesus.

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