Caleb Cook, who was a Deeper Roots in Christ intern in 2007 shares with us an exciting news,
“Most recent news is definitely the birth of our son Ian Tobias Cook. Mom and baby are well. His first name means “God is Gracious” and middle name “The LORD is good.”
Recently I received a huge outpouring of mercy and forgiveness from someone whom I approached about a sin of the past. During this uncertain time when I was afraid of the outcome, God reassured me that he is with me.
Just at this time, my wife Coral became pregnant with a son. I learned that God gives good things we do not deserve and often does not let us experience the consequences of our sins, which we do deserve. My favorite verse during this time has been Psalm 32:1,2:
"Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the LORD does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit. (NIV)"
My wife Coral is going to be a full time stay at home mom (she is great with kids and will do awesome). I am working full-time as a broker at an investment firm, and studying to receive a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, in year 2 out of 3. I miss you all tons and if you are in Phoenix, please let me know. Please pray for us to connect with our church (Redemption Church) and to be godly parents to raise Ian, with His strength.
Caleb Cook, who was a Deeper Roots in Christ intern in 2007 shares with us an exciting news,
“Most recent news is definitely the birth of our son Ian Tobias Cook. Mom and baby are well. His first name means “God is Gracious” and middle name “The LORD is good.”
Recently I received a huge outpouring of mercy and forgiveness from someone whom I approached about a sin of the past. During this uncertain time when I was afraid of the outcome, God reassured me that he is with me.
Just at this time, my wife Coral became pregnant with a son. I learned that God gives good things we do not deserve and often does not let us experience the consequences of our sins, which we do deserve. My favorite verse during this time has been Psalm 32:1,2:
"Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the LORD does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit. (NIV)"
My wife Coral is going to be a full time stay at home mom (she is great with kids and will do awesome). I am working full-time as a broker at an investment firm, and studying to receive a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, in year 2 out of 3. I miss you all tons and if you are in Phoenix, please let me know. Please pray for us to connect with our church (Redemption Church) and to be godly parents to raise Ian, with His strength.
Snow, (B.S. Accounting, ’13) began work at PwC Bermuda office. She sends us greetings with some very exotic pictures from the most mysterious island in the world. Most people will think this is where the pyramids are. No, pyramids are in Egypt, where democracy hides. Bermuda is in the Caribbeans where the pirates hide.

Gideon and Hannah
Gideon (Ph.D., Civil Engineering, '11) reports in structurally engineered sentences, "I am adjusting to a new culture, new people and new school system. Please pray for Hannah and I to be a blessing, to build a Godly community, to share the good news, and to be strong."
Snow, (B.S. Accounting, ’13) began work at PwC Bermuda office. She sends us greetings with some very exotic pictures from the most mysterious island in the world. Most people will think this is where the pyramids are. No, pyramids are in Egypt, where democracy hides. Bermuda is in the Caribbeans where the pirates hide.

Gideon and Hannah
Gideon (Ph.D., Civil Engineering, '11) reports in structurally engineered sentences, "I am adjusting to a new culture, new people and new school system. Please pray for Hannah and I to be a blessing, to build a Godly community, to share the good news, and to be strong."
Gideon at MIT with a friend
Hannah tells us more plainly, "We pray for outreaching students on WNEU campus, co-working with around chapters and local church community and Friday Acts message and bible study.
Thank you for your prayer. Gideon and I are adjusting well to this new town.
1. We have Friday Acts Bible study. We follow the order of message, special song and Bible study. Please pray for us to outreach students on campus and invite them to Bible study.
2. We plan to travel to Connecticut UBF this coming Saturday to meet M.Jeremiah's family. We were supposed to meet Boston UBF on labors day BBQ but it was cancelled due to bad weather. We consider another time to visit Boston. We pray to build up connection and network with gospel coworkers in New England area.
3. We have worship service at Evangelical Covenant church which is close to campus. We pray to get to know people in local community and be a blessing here.
We are still figuring out how we engage and commit to campus ministry both in UBF and a local church. We need to be equipped and prepared to plant a community of of Christ. Please pray for us to have wisdom and power to do the work of God according to his will."
Hannah tells us more plainly, "We pray for outreaching students on WNEU campus, co-working with around chapters and local church community and Friday Acts message and bible study.
Thank you for your prayer. Gideon and I are adjusting well to this new town.
1. We have Friday Acts Bible study. We follow the order of message, special song and Bible study. Please pray for us to outreach students on campus and invite them to Bible study.
2. We plan to travel to Connecticut UBF this coming Saturday to meet M.Jeremiah's family. We were supposed to meet Boston UBF on labors day BBQ but it was cancelled due to bad weather. We consider another time to visit Boston. We pray to build up connection and network with gospel coworkers in New England area.
3. We have worship service at Evangelical Covenant church which is close to campus. We pray to get to know people in local community and be a blessing here.
We are still figuring out how we engage and commit to campus ministry both in UBF and a local church. We need to be equipped and prepared to plant a community of of Christ. Please pray for us to have wisdom and power to do the work of God according to his will."
Abraham (B.S. Business Administration,’11) writes, “It snowed in Moscow last week, while I had my air conditioner running in Cyprus. God has been great. This year, a Korean MK by the name Sharon came from Uganda; twins, Bryan and Allan, joined us from Kenya. Also, a Turkish sister began to join us for service. She expressed that she feels peace and comfort in our gatherings! Praise God. Most importantly, God sent a mature brother from Rwanda by the name Patrick, who is a new Master’s student. We meet every day at 9pm to read a chapter and pray. Oh, what a blessing it has been! God has granted us wisdom to split up into smaller groups. Five of us rotate to speak based on the Gospel of John for SWS. Pray that we may grow as disciples of Jesus and make a smooth transition over to the community here as Joseph and I will be graduating next year.”
Abraham (B.S. Business Administration,’11) writes, “It snowed in Moscow last week, while I had my air conditioner running in Cyprus. God has been great. This year, a Korean MK by the name Sharon came from Uganda; twins, Bryan and Allan, joined us from Kenya. Also, a Turkish sister began to join us for service. She expressed that she feels peace and comfort in our gatherings! Praise God. Most importantly, God sent a mature brother from Rwanda by the name Patrick, who is a new Master’s student. We meet every day at 9pm to read a chapter and pray. Oh, what a blessing it has been! God has granted us wisdom to split up into smaller groups. Five of us rotate to speak based on the Gospel of John for SWS. Pray that we may grow as disciples of Jesus and make a smooth transition over to the community here as Joseph and I will be graduating next year.”
Paul Timlin
Our exceptionally handsome brother, Paul Timlin (B.S., Broadcasting Journalism, ’13) writes rather humbly,
“I'm not up to much. I just started a job at a law recruitment firm downtown. It's not that exciting. Maybe if I travel somewhere or do something cool I'll make a post then.”

Having seen God's wonders in Belize through a short-mission trip in June (with Sammy, Sarah L and Charlie), he’s definitely not impressed by jungles made out of concretes.
Jamin Hwang
Jamin (M.S., Civil Engineering, '10) updates us about her life in Texas,
"It has been a little more than a year I have moved to Houston. I joined Dr. Choo's ministry in Houston and served God and learned the patience and heart of following Christ at the pioneering ministry. However, God has led Dr. Choo's family to Louisville, Kentuchy and I have learned to stand alone with the Word of God.
In the mean time God answered my prayer and guided me to a Korean church in Houston where I am newly learning the cross of Christ. The church is the Gospel centered and I am participating our group meeting where we learn the Gospel again through "Explicit Gospel" (the photo I attached is with the group members, we went fishing and caught lots of 갈치''s. We prayed to make us become fishers of men haha)
Recently I and my co-worker started lunch time Bible study and try to stay in the Word of God in the midst of weekly hectic routine. Like we heard many times at the international Bible Conference the field is ripe for harvest Now my work place the field where God wants me to plant the seed of Gospel. My co-workers in Houston, and clients from Korea don't know Jesus Christ. Please pray for their souls to be saved and for me to boldly proclaim who Jesus is and what he has done for us on the cross.
I have been also praying for the missionaries from Korean who will start their pioneering ministry at University of Houston. They are going to arrive here in Oct. I am still praying to God to give a wisdom to make decisions.
The work has been great. I enjoy working as a offshore structure engineer. Soon or later I will be assigned to international projects and pray that these opportunities can be used for God's kingdom.
Well, I wish that my well being at Houston by the grace of God may encourage our sisters and brothers."
So, as you can see, our alums can be spotted all over the world: Some are basking under the exotic sun by the sea (Bermuda and Cyprus) and some in less exotic but more civilized metropolises like Chicago (Yes, Lakeshore is exotic and civilized... but it's a lake) and Arizona (desert. end of discussion) and ole' Massachusetts (no comment) and some are even offshore!
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