Acts 29 Church planting Quarterly meeting on Tues May 18th

A good seminar to attend.

Register ends this Friday.
Register here.

Event Details:
When: Tuesday, May 18
Time: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (registration opens at 9 a.m.)
Where: The Journey - Tower Grove Campus Sanctuary
2833 S. Kingshighway Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63139

Cost: FREE, including lunch

Jim Belcher who wrote the Deep Church will speak two sessions.

Session 1: Introduction to Deep Church

What is the Deep Church? Who is the book written for? Why is a third way needed? These are just some of the questions that will be answered during session 1. Jim will explain the contours of the emerging church, the traditional church push-back, and present a third way that moves beyond the two. To illustrate this third way, this session will highlight deep worship, demonstrating how it moves behind the pitfalls of both emerging and traditional. We will also discuss seven ways to be the deep church now!

Session 2: Deep Culture

There may be no other issue that divides Christians like the issue of how we look at the world. On one hand, some Christians accuse others of getting too close to the world and selling out. On the other hand, those who take interaction with the world seriously accuse others of being tribal, irrelevant to the cause of Christ. How do we decide which side is right? What is needed is an understanding of what the Bible says about the world. Is the world bad? Is it good? Are we to flee from it or help transform it? What does it mean to be in the world but not of it? The bottom line is how does Christ relate to culture? These are tough questions but ones that we must answer if we are going to be a faithful witness in the world and avoid the twin errors of tribalism and assimilation.

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