Thurday after Ash Wednesday

I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my Father. John 15:15
(Supplementary reading John 17)

HN comments:
We are all blessed in our very creation, and this blessing never leaves us.
Our challenge is to claim our 'original blessing' as children of the One who gave it to us.

We may have been wounded by what is know as original sin, but we are healed by our original blessing.

The original blessing, the unconditional love of God, was present in God's mind and heart long before our conception.

It touches us from before our beginning until after our deaths.

It embraces us forever.

Each is a 'blessed one.'
This is our identity

Let us not forget that.

We are beloved sons and daughters from our very beginning.

Thank you, LORD, for creating me out of love.

Dear LORD, help me to say, you are my shepherd. I lack nothing. Thank you for making us your friends.

In my perpetual lacking state, help me to claim you as my friend who always there for me.
Help me to see others through your glory before the creation of the world. You created the heavens and the earth out of your love.

The father loves his son.
The Son loves his Father.

Help me to hear that you are fearfully and wonderfully made through our LORD Jesus who died for our sins and rose from the dead.

Help me to hear that I am God's workmanship created in Jesus to do good works you prepared before the creation of the world.

Thank you for giving me your word daily. Help us to grow as good minsters of God's word. As we study 1 Timothy and help us to see how blessed we are for calling us your friends who has given us everything we need to be good ministers of your word.

May the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart be pleasing to you thru the staff conference. Help me to make friends thru your son.

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